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About us

What is CPPISRQ ?

The CPPISRQ (Parity Committee for Personnel in the Traffic Control Industry in Québec) is a non-profit organization responsible for the administration and enforcement of the “Decree respecting personnel in the traffic control industry in Québec” under the Collective Agreement Decrees Act.

The Collective Agreement Decrees Act allows parties to a collective agreement to request the government to extend certain provisions of the agreement to all employers and employees in the sector where they operate. A decree is the legal extension of a collective agreement.

Not all provisions of the negotiated collective agreement become part of the decree, but mainly those of a pecuniary nature, such as wages, leave, overtime, etc. By requesting a decree, the contracting parties aim to prevent unfair competition from employers who are not subject to a collective agreement, ensuring that salaries and working conditions are not a competitive factor.

In the traffic control industry, various tasks were initially integrated into the Security Officers’ Decree during the 1990s and subsequent years. On February 24, 2023, the industry established its own decree: “Decree respecting personnel in the traffic control industry in Québec.”

MIssion and vision




Reports and documents

Ethics and Professional Conduct

Qui sont les membres du conseil d'administration ?

Président 2023-2024 : Jimmy Girard

Vice-président : Martin L’Abbée

Jimmy Girard (AQEI)

Matthieu Collin (AQEI)

Simon McKinnon (AQEI)

Jean-François Rollin (AQEI)

Martin L’Abbée (Métallos)

Michel Courcy (Métallos)

Nathalie Perron (Métallos)

Isabelle Fagondo (Métallos)

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